Elizabeth Hartland, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology
\nThe University of Melbourne
\nHokkaido University<\/div>\n
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nTranslocated type III secretion systems (T3SS) effectors,\u00a0Mucosal immune responses during bacterial diarrhoea, Translocated Dot\/Icm effectors of Legionella, Immune responses in Legionnaire\u2019s disease<\/div>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
Katherine Kedzierska, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology
\nThe University of Melbourne
\nVisiting Professor<\/strong>
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nIImmune responses to influenza and SARS-CoV-2, immunity of vulnerable populations and across age groups, understanding disease severity.<\/div>\n\n
Brendon Yew Loong Chua, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology
\nThe University of Melbourne
\nVisiting Associate Professor<\/strong>
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nImmunology, Mechanisms of Immune Induction, Design and development of Vaccine-based Interventions, Peptide Chemistry<\/div>\nUniversity College Dublin (UCD)<\/h2>\n
William W. Hall, MD, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nSchool of Medicine and Medical Science
\nCentre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID)
\nExecutive Chairman<\/strong>
\nNational Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL)
\nUniversity College Dublin
\nDistinguished Professor<\/strong>
\nHokkaido University
\nVisiting Professor<\/strong>
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nHuman retroviruses, Arboviruses, Blood-borne viruses, Viral pathogenesis and Novel virus discovery<\/div>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
Stephen V. Gordon, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nSchool of Veterinary Medicine
\nUniversity College Dublin
\nVisiting Professor<\/strong>
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nTuberculosis in humans and animals, Paratuberculosis in cattle, Pathogen genomics, Bacterial virulence mechanisms.<\/div>\n\n
Michael Carr, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nNational Virus Reference Laboratory
\nUniversity College Dublin
\nVisiting Associate Professor<\/strong>
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nMy research interests include the evolution and pathogenesis of human respiratory and bloodborne\u00a0viruses. We are also investigating host genetic variation and biomarkers associated\u00a0with differing clinical outcomes and treatment responses to
\nchronic viral infections.<\/div>\nKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)<\/h2>\n
Arnab Pain, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nBiological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering (BESE) Division
\nKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
\nHokkaido University
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nComparative genomics and transcriptomics of pathogens, host-pathogen Interactions, aplcomplexan protlsts, metagenomics-driven pathogen discovery.<\/div>\nHokkaido University<\/h2>\n
Hiroshi Kida, DVM, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nUniversity Professor<\/strong>
\nHokkaido University
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nEcology and pathogenesis of influenza viruses and other pathogens, Zoonoses control, Vaccinology<\/div>\n\n
Yasuhiko Suzuki, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nHokkaido University<\/div>\n
\nDivision of Bioresources
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University<\/div>\n
\nDevelopment of low-cost gene diagnostic methods for tuberculosis and other bacterial diseases,\u00a0Surveillance of mycobacterioses and other bacterial zoonoses, Molecular analysis of multi- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in
\nhumans,\u00a0Development and utilization of mammalian host-vector systems for producing therapeutic antibodies and other biologically active proteins<\/div>\n\n
Hirofumi Sawa, MD, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nHokkaido University<\/div>\n
\nInternational Collaboration Unit
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University<\/div>\n
\nInvestigation of host-pathogen interactions in virus-infected cells (Polyomaviruses, Flaviviruses, Herpesviruses, Rhadoviruses, etc.), epidemiological research on virus diseases in wildlife and domestic animals [Arboviruses (Flaviviruses,
\nBunyaviruses), Paramixoviruses, Orthopoxviruses, Polyomaviruses, etc.], development of therapeutic strategies and diagnostic methods for viral diseases (Dengue fever, West Nile virus encephalitis, rabies etc.)<\/div>\n\n
Ayato Takada, DVM, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nHokkaido University<\/div>\n
\nDivision of Global Epidemiology<\/div>\n
\nHokkaido University
\nHost-pathogen interactions,\u00a0Viral pathogenicity and host tropism,\u00a0Immune responses to viral infection, Ecology and evolution of zoonotic viruses<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
Hideaki Higashi, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nHokkaido University
\nDivision of Infection and Immunity<\/div>\n
\nHokkaido University
\nAnthrax is a disease of wildlife, livestock and humans that remains a public health\u00a0problem\u00a0throughout\u00a0the world. We have been developing a safe and effective anthrax vaccine\u00a0based on structural information of the Bacillus anthracis<\/em>
\ntoxin. Furthermore, to control anthrax in\u00a0endemic areas, we are performing surveillance of anthrax and introducing molecular diagnostic methods for the disease.<\/div>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
Chie Nakajima, DVM, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nDivision of\u00a0Bioresources
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nDevelopment of detection and typing methods for pathogenic and\u00a0drug-resistant bacteria, Epidemiological survey of bacterial pathogens with zoonotic potential<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
Kimihito Ito, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nDivision of Bioinformatics
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nCurrent research topics include the prediction of antigenic changes of influenza A\u00a0viruses, phylogenetic analyses of pathogens, and statistical analyses of epidemiological\u00a0data and experimental results. Aiming to establish strategies to predict
\nand prevent the\u00a0occurrence and epidemic spread of zoonoses, I am studying zoonotic pathogens\u00a0through attempts combining informatics, computation, and biology.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
Junya Yamagishi, PhD<\/h4>\n
\nDivision of Collaboration and Education
\nInternational Institute for Zoonosis Control
\nHokkaido University
\nTranscriptome in host-parasite interaction, Molecular epidemiology with NGS, Information processing in cells<\/div>\n